

Rezept: Prawn And Pea Risotto With Basil And Mint

Bild: Prawn And Pea Risotto With Basil And Mint - Zutaten
 © S. Troll mit Material von Jochen Herz
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Durchschnitt: 6.75 Sterne von 8 Besuchern
Kosten: (noch) nicht vollständig, mindestens jedoch 2.54 €
Qualität: Konventionell hergestellte Lebensmittel (*)
EU-Bio  >3.63 €       Demeter  >3.84 €       

Zutaten für 4 -6 Portionen:

3 Good handfuls peas, podded - (keep pods on one side) 
1 Tasse(n)Stock or water 
1 Basic risotto recipe, - recipe below 
450 gRaw prawns, peeled 
1 Handful basil, chopped 
0.5 Handful mint, chopped 
1 Lemon, juiced 
Approximately 2 pints stock - (chicken, fish or vegetable as appropriate) 
1 ELOlivenölca. 0.13 €
3 Shallots or 2 medium onions - finely chopped 
2 Zehen Garlic, finely chopped 
0.5 Head celery, finely chopped 
420 gArborio rice 
Sea salt and freshly ground - black pepper 
2 Wine glasses dry white - vermouth (dry Martini o Noilly Prat) or dry white wine 
75 gButterca. 0.51 €
105 gFreshly grated Parmesan, - omit for any fish-based risottosca. 1.89 €


For me this risotto really works because of the natural sweetness you
get in peas and prawns. With a little help from some delicate herbs it
will put a smile on your face. Remember not to use any Parmesan in your
basic recipe - not good with fish.

Cook peas in boiling stock or water. Don't waste pods, you can place
them in the stock after the peas are cooked to infuse their fantastic
delicate flavor. Use this stock as part of the stock/water for the
risotto. At the end of Stage 3 in the basic risotto recipe, add the
prawns and peas and simmer for 1 minute as prawns take no time to cook.
At Stage 4 of the risotto recipe throw in the fresh herbs and squeeze
the lemon juice. Stir and serve immediately.
Drizzle with good peppery olive oil.

Stage 1. Heat stock. In a separate pan heat the olive oil, add the
shallots or onion, garlic and celery and slowly fry for about 3
minutes. When the vegetables have softened, add the rice, season with
salt and pepper and turn up the heat.

Stage 2. The rice will now begin to fry, so keep stirring it. After a
minute it will look slightly translucent having absorbed all the
flavors from the vegetables. Add the vermouth or wine and keep stirring
-- it will smell fantastic as it sizzles around the rice.
Any harsh alcohol flavors will evaporate and leave the rice with a
tasty essence.

Stage 3. Once the vermouth or wine has cooked into the rice, add your
first ladle of hot stock and a good pinch of salt. Turn down the heat
to a highish simmer so the rice dösn't cook too quickly on the
outside. Keep adding ladles of stock, stirring and allowing each ladle
of liquid to be absorbed before adding the next. This will take around
15 minutes. Taste the rice -- is it cooked? Carry on adding stock until
the rice is soft but with a slight bite. Don't forget to carefully
check the seasoning.

Stage 4. Remove from the heat and add the butter and Parmesan, if
using. Stir gently. Place lid on pan and allow to sit for 2 to 3
minutes. This is the most important part of making the risotto as this
is when it becomes outrageously creamy and oozy like it should be. Eat
as soon as possible while the risotto retains its perfect texture.


(*) Für diese Version von Prawn And Pea Risotto With Basil And Mint werden bevorzugt Lebensmittel verwendet, die aus konventioneller Erzeugung stammen. Zudem ist ein günstiger Preis ein Auswahlkriterium.

Die Zutaten des Rezeptes finden auch in anderen Speisen Verwendung:

Butter  *   Olivenöl kaltgepresst extra nativ  *   Parmesan am Stück

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