Stichwort: Rice
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Rezepte 1 bis 3 von 3
Rice With Kimchee (Kimchee Bap)

Discount: >0.00 €
EU-Bio: >0.00 €
Demeter: >0.00 €
1. Shred Kimchee without rinsing. 2. Shred beef and marinate in Seasoning Mixture. 3. Saute rice in sesame oil until translucent. 4. In deep pan or rice cooker, place ...
Risotto ai funghi (Rice with boletus)

Discount: >2.44 €
EU-Bio: >3.44 €
Demeter: >3.67 €
Soak the mushrooms (boletus edulis, called funghi porcini in italian) in a non-metal bowl of warm water for about 30 Minuten Meanwhile, melt the butter in a pot, add ...
Barley With Vegetables (Cooked in A Rice Cooker)

Discount: >0.00 €
EU-Bio: >0.00 €
Demeter: >0.00 €
Put all in rice cooker and stir. Put on cover and turn to COOK. Will be ready in about 45 minutes. Can probably do this on the stove as well. Just bring to a boil, turn ...